UMS Nurse
My name is Kylie Whitehead. I am the School Nurse at Union Middle School. My husband Ben and I have 3 children, Brady, Mason, and Izzy, and my daughter in law, Sydney. I have been a nurse for 23 years with 17 of those being in pediatrics and school nursing. I truly love all the students here at Union Middle School and I am here to help take care of them at school each day.
phone: 601-774-5303
All students must bring back a signed Health History Form, that should be filled out with registration packets in order to receive any over the counter medications in the Nurse Office.
Any students with Asthma, Food Allergies, or Seizures must have an Action Plan on file from the student's physician. This Action Plan MUST be updated each year.
When possible, prescription medications should be given to students at home prior to school.
Medications may be administered during school hours if the following steps are followed:
- Parent or Guardian MUST bring medication to school and register it with the school nurse.
- Medication must be in the original, labeled container and be current.
- Pharmacies will provide an extra bottle with a label to have one for school and home.
- Any changes in medication or dosage will require a new written doctor's order
All incoming 7th Graders must receive a Tdap vaccination prior to entering 7th Grade and must provide a 121 Immunization Compliance Form to the Middle School Office
See below for our 24 hour illness policy