College & Careers
College & Careers
Clay Pope
Clay Pope
email: popecl@unionyellowjackets.org
email: popecl@unionyellowjackets.org
Drivers Education
Drivers Education
John Alan Darnell
John Alan Darnell
email: darnellj@unionyellowjackets.org
email: darnellj@unionyellowjackets.org
Boys' PE/Girls' PE
Boys' PE/Girls' PE
Jordan Wren
Jordan Wren
email: wrenj@unionyellowjackets.org
email: wrenj@unionyellowjackets.org
Graphic Design/Online Learning
Graphic Design/Online Learning
Ginger Cook
Ginger Cook
email: peeblesg@unionyellowjackets.org
email: peeblesg@unionyellowjackets.org
Alternative School
Alternative School
Kristin Chaney
Kristin Chaney
email: chaneyk@unionyellowjackets.org
email: chaneyk@unionyellowjackets.org
AP Computer Science Business Law, Personal Finance and Creative Writing
AP Computer Science Business Law, Personal Finance and Creative Writing
Amanda Cassel
Amanda Cassel
email: cassela@unionyellowjackets.org
email: cassela@unionyellowjackets.org