2022-2023 Return to Learn
Aug. 1, 2022
Students and staff who test positive for COVID should quarantine for 5 days, or as directed by a healthcare provider. Symptoms should be resolved or resolving and individuals should be fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medications.
Individuals exposed to COVID are not required to quarantine, but should monitor for symptoms and consider being tested on day 3 post exposure.
Masks are welcome, but are optional for students and staff.
This plan is subject to change based on changing circumstances.
Historical Information (no longer in effect):
COVID-19 Protocol Levels
UPDATED: January 3, 2022 in accordance with the new CDC guidance released on Dec. 27, 2021
UPSD has established four COVID-19 protocol levels to enable individual schools to quickly pivot in response to the changing nature of the pandemic at any point during the school year. UPSD will follow all mandates by the Governor and/or Mississippi Department of Health, when consistent with each other, and actively track school, district, and county COVID data to make decisions about transitioning among levels, as necessary. District officials will have the authority to adjust the metrics of this plan based on local and state COVID-19 data. Protocol levels may be increased with one day’s notice. Protocol levels will be decreased with one week’s notice.
Covid-19 Protocol Levels
Level 1 (Low Transmission): Less than 3% of total school population COVID positive over a 10-day period.
Level 2 (Moderate Transmission): 3%-5% of total school population COVID positive over a 10-day period.
Level 3 (Elevated Transmission): 5-7% of total school population COVID positive over a 10-day period.
Level 4 (High Transmission): 7-10% of total school population COVID positive over a 10-day period.
COVID Protocol Level 1
Less than 3% of the total school population COVID positive.
Masks are optional for all faculty/staff and students (PreK-12), regardless of vaccination status.
Quarantine for Close Contacts
Parents of children in the same classroom of a student or staff member who tests positive will be notified of the possible exposure.
Parents should monitor for symptoms. If a child becomes symptomatic, parents should keep them home and notify the school nurse.
UPSD can test the child at school at no cost, with parental consent.
If a child is identified as a close contact to COVID, he or she may return to school, but should wear a mask for 10 days.
Additionally, UPSD can test the child at school at no cost, with parental consent.
Quarantine is not required at any point for all vaccinated individuals who remain asymptomatic.
Quarantine for Positive Cases
Individuals identified as COVID positive will isolate at home for 5 days or until symptoms have resolved.
COVID Protocol Level 2
3%-5% of the total school population COVID positive.
Masks are strongly recommended for all faculty/staff and students (PreK-12), regardless of vaccination status.
Quarantine for Close Contacts
Parents of children in the same classroom of a student or staff member who tests positive will be notified of the possible exposure.
Parents should monitor for symptoms. If a child becomes symptomatic, parents should keep them home and notify the school nurse.
UPSD can test the child at school at no cost, with parental consent.
If a child is identified as a close contact to COVID, he or she may return to school, but should wear a mask for 10 days and test for COVID-19 on day 5 following the close contact.
UPSD can test the child at school at no cost, with parental consent.
Quarantine is not required at any point for all vaccinated individuals who remain asymptomatic.
Quarantine for Positive Cases
Individuals identified as COVID positive will be isolated at home for 5 days from either their onset of symptoms or day of positive test and until symptoms have resolved.
COVID Protocol Level 3
5-7% of the total school population COVID positive.
All faculty and students (PreK-12), regardless of vaccination status, will wear masks at all times practicable while indoors and on buses.
Quarantine for Close Contacts
Parents of children in the same classroom of a student or staff member who tests positive will be notified of the possible exposure.
Parents should monitor for symptoms. If a child becomes symptomatic, parents should keep them home and notify the school nurse.
UPSD can test the child at school at no cost, with parental consent.
Individuals identified as close contacts may remain in school, but must wear a mask and test on day 5 following exposure.
Quarantine is not required at any point for all vaccinated individuals who remain asymptomatic.
Quarantine for Positive Cases
Individuals identified as COVID positive will be isolated at home for 5 days from either their onset of symptoms or day of positive test and until symptoms have resolved.
COVID Protocol Level 4
7-10% of total school population COVID positive.
All faculty and students (PreK-12), regardless of vaccination status, will wear masks at all times practicable while indoors and on buses.
Quarantine for Close Contacts
Parents of children in the same classroom of a student or staff member who tests positive will be notified of the possible exposure.
Parents should monitor for symptoms. If a child becomes symptomatic, parents should keep them home and notify the school nurse.
UPSD can test the child at school at no cost, with parental consent.
Individuals identified as a “close contact” will quarantine at home for 5 days and mask for an additional 5 days.
Quarantine is not required at any point for all vaccinated individuals who remain asymptomatic.
Quarantine for Positive Cases
Individuals identified as COVID positive will be isolated at home for 5 days from either their onset of symptoms or day of positive test and until symptoms have resolved.
Union Public School District Re-Entry and Continuation of Services Plan
Revised August 9, 2021
*School administration has the authority to revise the plan, as needed, in response to changing conditions within the school district and the community and revised recommendations from the CDC and/or MS Department of Health.
Face Coverings
Face coverings are required for all students, staff, and visitors indoors when not eating or drinking, regardless of vaccination status. The mask requirement will be re-evaluated by September 13, 2021. Exemptions may be provided with valid documentation from a healthcare provider.
In general, by wearing a mask, individuals will avoid having to quarantine due to close contact with an individual who tests positive.
According to the CDC and MSDH, masks are not needed outdoors, but should be considered in crowded outdoor settings or during activities of close prolonged contact with other students/teachers.
Exposure to COVID-19
When the school becomes aware that a student or staff member has tested positive for COVID-19, the parents of students considered to be a "close contact" will be notified WITHOUT identifying the affected student. All should then monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
Any student or staff member who tests positive for COVID-19 must quarantine at home for 10 days after symptoms first appeared and until fever free for 24 hours with no fever-reducing medication.
Parents should notify the school nurse and the school principal if their child tests positive for COVID-19.
Students living with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 must quarantine for 10 days.
Those closer than 3 ft for 15 minutes or longer to an infected person will have to quarantine for 10 days and monitor for symptoms.
Those within 3-6 ft of an infected person for 15 minutes or longer will have to quarantine for 10 days and monitor for symptoms unless both students were wearing masks.
Wearing masks will avoid quarantines altogether.
Fully vaccinated individuals do not have to quarantine.
Arrival at School
Students will use hand sanitizer or hand washing upon arrival into classrooms.
Common areas will be restricted, when feasible.
Students who sign in late should report to the office window.
Parents must use the car line for student pick-up.
All cars must have a student name tag or tag indicating a high school student.
Times (Monday-Thursday: 3:14, Friday: 2:20)
Daily Activities
Hand sanitizer will be readily available in each classroom and in various places through the school.
Hand washing will be emphasized and students will be trained on proper hand washing techniques.
School staff will give multiple age appropriate daily reminders about personal hygiene and responsible behavior, including social distancing.
Classroom seating arrangements and activities will emphasize social distancing to the greatest degree possible.
PreK-6th students will remain with their cohort throughout the day.
Group work among students will be limited.
Standard cleaning will continue.
Targeted cleaning of high touch areas will take place during the school day.
EPA-approved, low-odor disinfectants will be used to disinfect classrooms.
Buses will be cleaned with EPA-approved, low-odor disinfectants.
Health Services
Each school is staffed by a full time registered nurse.
School nurses will provide COVID safety training/materials to faculty and staff.
Parents will be encouraged to give student medications at home. If medication at school is necessary for students, parents will be asked to schedule a time with the school nurse to drop it off.
Students/adults who are symptomatic will be issued a mask to wear until they are picked up by a parent or leave the building.
What if we have to close school?
The district will ensure that each student has an internet capable device.
The district cannot provide internet to each student.
Families who already have internet capable devices are encouraged to use those and communicate that to teachers.
The district will provide Wi-Fi access in the school parking lots.
Teachers will continue holding classes online using video conferencing tools, Canvas, and Google Classroom.
Paper-based materials will also be available for students without internet.
Any needed paper materials or books will be available for pickup.
Online Learning
Online learning will not be available for students in the 2021-2022 school year.
UES: Dr. Lori Wilcher, wilcherl@unionyellowjackets.org
UMS: Mr. Nick Smith, smithn@unionyellowjackets.org
UHS: Mr. Zach Robinson, robinsonz@unionyellowjackets.org