2022-2023 Return to Learn

Aug. 1, 2022

Historical Information (no longer in effect):

COVID-19 Protocol Levels

UPDATED: January 3, 2022 in accordance with the new CDC guidance released on Dec. 27, 2021

UPSD has established four COVID-19 protocol levels to enable individual schools to quickly pivot in response to the changing nature of the pandemic at any point during the school year. UPSD will follow all mandates by the Governor and/or Mississippi Department of Health, when consistent with each other, and actively track school, district, and county COVID data to make decisions about transitioning among levels, as necessary. District officials will have the authority to adjust the metrics of this plan based on local and state COVID-19 data. Protocol levels may be increased with one day’s notice. Protocol levels will be decreased with one week’s notice.

Covid-19 Protocol Levels 

COVID Protocol Level 1 

Less than 3% of the total school population COVID positive.

COVID Protocol Level 2

3%-5% of the total school population COVID positive.

COVID Protocol Level 3

5-7% of the total school population COVID positive.

COVID Protocol Level 4

7-10% of total school population COVID positive.

Union Public School District Re-Entry and Continuation of Services Plan


Revised August 9, 2021

*School administration has the authority to revise the plan, as needed, in response to changing conditions within the school district and the community and revised recommendations from the CDC and/or MS Department of Health.

Face Coverings

Exposure to COVID-19


Arrival at School


Daily Activities



Health Services

What if we have to close school?

Online Learning

UES: Dr. Lori Wilcher, wilcherl@unionyellowjackets.org

UMS: Mr. Nick Smith, smithn@unionyellowjackets.org

UHS: Mr. Zach Robinson, robinsonz@unionyellowjackets.org