Union SEEK

Who is Gifted?

Students who perform or show potential for performing at  remarkable levels of accomplishments when compared to others of their age, experience or environment

ECTAG Competition Dates

K'Nex Egg Drop -- October 24

School Talent Submissions Due -- TBD

ECTAG Talent -- December 06

Scrabble -- January 24

Chess -- February 25

Creative Writing (Virtual) -- March 05

Art (Virtual) -- March 25

Contact Email




What is Giftedness?

  Giftedness, intelligence, and talent are fluid concepts and may look different in different contexts and cultures. Even within schools you will find a range of beliefs about the word "gifted," which has become a term with multiple meanings and much nuance.  

Gifted children may develop asynchronously: their minds are often ahead of their physical growth, and specific cognitive and social-emotional functions can develop unevenly.  Some gifted children with exceptional aptitude may not demonstrate outstanding levels of achievement due to environmental circumstances such as limited opportunities to learn as a result of poverty, discrimination, or cultural barriers; due to physical or learning disabilities; or due to motivational or emotional problems.  This dichotomy between potential for and demonstrated achievement has implications for schools as they design programs and services for gifted students.

The National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) does not subscribe to any one theory of the nature of human abilities or their origins. They assert that there are children who demonstrate high performance, or who have the potential to do so, and that we have a responsibility to provide optimal educational experiences to fully develop talents in as many children as possible, for the benefit of the individual and the community.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. 

-- Albert Einstein

Recognizing the Characteristics of Gifted Children

ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children (1985) cites three types of characteristics of gifted children:  general behavioral, learning, and creative characteristics.


Gifted children’s behavior differs from that of their age-mates in the following ways:



Gifted children are natural learners who often show many of these characteristics:

Katie Goss

Elementary SEEK


Monica Adams

Middle School SEEK


Melisha Hancock

Elementary & Middle School SEEK
