Reading Readiness

Click on the picture below for information on the MS Literacy-Based Promotion Act and ways you can help your child.

Mrs. Staton


Did you know?

We administer the STAR Early Literacy Test at least three times a year in kindergarten and 1st grade. This assessment measures reading readiness.  It identifies weaknesses a child has in ten key areas.   If you haven't received a report from your child's kindergarten teacher, please ask for one.  First grade parents may request their child's report at anytime. Call or email Jennifer Staton to request a report.

How did my child do?

Once you have your child's test report, look for the blue arrows.  These are the areas that your child needs to practice.  

When reading the scores, think of them as normal test grades.  Anything below a 70 indicates that your child has not mastered the skill.

How Can I Help My Child?

(Click on an area to find ways to practice each area.)